Mon Brav

Created by Mr John 2 years ago
This is the term Brian used when I phone him. (Mon brav) Not only a friend, brother, comrade and confidant. A good mate. His sense of humor will be remembered some times very colourful, ties and socks just one example. He liked story's with some irony in them. The last joke I had with him was; me, I have stopped making political jokes  himself why?  me, I have seen too many of them getting elected. I could tell storys over the years with the old battle wagon, up and down roads and lanes of North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth. Although a Coventry lad he loved representing the good folk in Nuneaton and Bedworth. Very much a family man, supported Dia and Adam in every thing they did so proud of them. When Dia became Mayor he took the role of Mayoress very seriously (Brian were talking about) with a little twinkle in his eye, proud to be the hand bag carrier, when he became Mayor (I think he still was the hand bag carrier) I believe it's the only time a couple became Mayor and Mayoress in the history of Nuneaton and Bedworth. I and others could tell tails of many many other times. These I am sure will be repeated if the years to the point of then falling into the reams of disbelieve. (He would like that) so farewell Mon Brav. RIP.